Three Legged Dog Club
Cassie's Club Members

This is Dylan. We adopted him from a rescue group in January 2010. Having been inspired by a lady I had seen years ago with 2 or 3 tripods at the dog park I started searching for one when we had to put our 13 and a half year old golden lab mix down last December.

I just thought it was so great she seemed to be taking in these dogs that most people would probably pass on because of the missing leg. I started on the internet. The amount of dogs needing homes was overwhelming. I started to find myself drawn to dogs that looked like old "Buzz."

When I clicked on Dylan's picture I did not notice it had a heart symbol by it, which indicates "special needs," on the site. When I opened his picture, scrolled down and saw the missing leg, I just knew we had our new baby.

  We went to look at him the next weekend and immediately fell in love. The rescue group said he had been attacked by a dog when he was a puppy and the leg had to come off.

The great thing about Dylan is that he has no ill effects from this attack. He loves dogs and people alike and is about the happiest dog I have ever seen - always in a good mood! If I am feeling down, Dylan cheers me up by just looking at him. He is one happy tripod and we could not love him any more than we do now with an additional leg! We are so lucky!

At 2 he is pretty good, but I do worry when he gets older how things will be for him. It is funny you mention swimming, because when I take him to the dog park to swim, he tends to outswim some of the other dogs and steals their toys. Then I have to get them from him and return them to the rightful owners. They are all good spirited about it so it has not been a problem so far. He is such a joy! I feel truly blessed!  

Oh yes, Click HERE to see who is camper of the month. He really has a way of grabbing people's hearts. Kind regards,

Lisa Hanisch
Thursday July 8, 2010


This my three legged dog, George. He lost his leg after being hit by a car when he was 1 and is now 5 and going strong. I don't even notice the missing leg now. He really can do anything, although he's not too good at right-hand bends! He really is a little fighter, and never once felt sorry for himself.

We're not exactly sure what combination of breeds he is, but he seems to have a bit of Border Collie in him, as he has a very strong herding instinct and he can spin on a sixpence. He loves to howl. He has his own special language and he is sometimes a bit naughty and growls at strangers! Many thanks for your kind words. George says hello and is looking forward to having his pictures on the web. Glad you like his "Yoda ears," as I call them :-) Here's George when he was a puppy, and before his accident. His ears were always going to be his best feature :-)

Colin Porter
Thursday July 22, 2010

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